Monday, April 20, 2009
One Month..The Countdown Begins!
Over Easter Break, I went to Valdosta Health Department to get my vaccinations. The Yellow Fever vaccination is required to enter Gabon, but some others are also recommended. I got the Typhoid vaccination too. The other recommended vaccinations were required ones for entering into the public school system…so I’m vaccinated for just about everything now! I also got my Malaria drug prescription. My whole family basically got involved to make sure I got the right one (most of my family works in the medical field). My dad was worried about the first prescription they gave me because it makes you very sensitive to sun…and since I’m going to be pretty darn close to the equator, he figured that wasn’t very smart. However, after talking to a infectious disease expert (my Aunt Laura has connections!), we found that it would be the best medicine. So, that means I have to bring LOTS of sunscreen (3 months worth to be exact haha). I’m glad we got that all worked out!
I also sent off for my Visa, so that should be processed pretty soon. Tim and Meredith know a guy in New York that took all of the interns Visa applications together so we could split the fee. Thank you Jonathan!! Other than that…I’m just trying to finish school and start preparing and packing up my dorm room. My mom and Mema are coming up Wednesday, and I’m really excited to see them!
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Finally got plane tickets!
This Friday I'm going home for Bree's wedding shower (CRAZY!!) and I have an appoinment Friday at 3 in Valdosta to get my Yellow Fever Vaccination. Then I can start applying for my Visa! I'm really excited to see my family and friends this weekend. My mom is really starting to freak about me going to Gabon...she took off the day after I fly out just to cry haha. Poor Tammy. My dad is freaking too..but he's staying strong for me. I'm so glad my parents are being really supportive though. I couldn't have gone without them. I am very lucky:). I will only get to see my best friend Lauren for a few days before I fly out because she is coming home from Colorado. My other best friend Bree is getting married May 9th. I feel like everything in my world is changing so fast! I love it but at the same time it's scary. I know God has everything already worked out and that reassures me. My boyfriend Aaron is also getting a little nervous about my trip, but he is also very excited and supportive which is exactly what I need. :)
That's all for now I think...continue praying that everything will fall into place. Thank you everyone for being so supportive...I'd be a wreck without you!