Wednesday, June 3, 2009

New Puppy!

Guess what we got Monday at the STMO center?! A new puppy!! His name is Titus..he is the cutest thing ever!

While I'm at are the other pets of the house...first is Bandit (pronounced Bon-dee)

And.....Gentile (pronounced Djen-tee) with our favorite intern leader Leanne!

Yesterday we got to swim at a pool owned by the U.S. Embassy. Tim and Meredith are friends with someone that works was nice!

Going to post some videos later...


  1. i can just hear you talking to the little puppy (oo wwwee...) lind-say.... glad you and Africa are getting along :)

  2. Can't wait to hear how this weekend went!! You give us inspiration, sweet one. I am lifting you up to the Lord!!
